Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ooops, I forgot to give you some money.

Recently the US Transprotation secretary reversed course and upped a grant to the State of Washington for ferries and terminals from $750,000 to $7.6 million. My reaction:

Ooops, I forgot to give you some money.

“He called me a little while ago and said it was his mistake and they were correcting it with this allocation to Washington state,” Murray said.(Washington State Senator Patty Murray)

Wow! A $7.6 million mistake! Does this happen as often as the casualness of the explanation would suggest? $7,600,000.00 !!

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Sunday, July 05, 2009

Fireworks are as American as ...

A recent Everett Herald article described two fires that were caused by fireworks. One resulted in the loss of a $2 million home. While not making light of the loss that family suffered, I could not help but note that there is a discrepancy between what the law says about fireworks and how it is enforced:

Fireworks are as American as ...

The Herald reports: "Firecrackers, bottle rockets, skyrockets and chasers are against the law anywhere in Snohomish County, according to county fire marshal's office."

It's 8PM on the 4th. I live in unincorporated Snohomish County. Firecrackers and bottle rockets have been going off all day and the din is rising as the night approaches. At 11pm as we return from the Port Gardner Bay fireworks display, the rockets are still bursting in the air above our neighborhood. It has been this way every year since we moved to this neighborhood in 1974.

It is ironic that the way many celebrate our defiance of and independence from the King of England is by acting in defiance of the laws of Snohomish County – knowing that the Sheriff just doesn't have the staff to effect meaningful enforcement. And, if the Sheriff’s office actually hired enough extra staff for the holiday to be effective, confiscated most if not all illegal fireworks and handed out stiff fines to pay the cost of enforcement; that might result in a political revolution of sorts all on its own.

I don’t think the will really exists to effectively enforce the law on this issue and never will.

After all, shooting off “Firecrackers, bottle rockets, skyrockets and chasers” in celebration of that famous defiance of authority is as American as … … as 300 nude cyclists leading the Solstice Day parade down NW 36th St. in Seattle’s Fremont district every year. Apparently, there are just some instances where the will of the people trumps the law.

Education on the safe use of fireworks is an important way to prevent injury and property damage at this time of year. In addition, strict enforcement to confiscate powerful fireworks that have the power of serious explosives is essential. Also, holding people accountable for the injury or damage they cause is a way to reinforce responsible use of fireworks.

Oh, and lets hope no one decides to link nude protest and fireworks. That combination is just fraught with problems!